The key to that elusive flat belly? A regimen that works all your abdominal muscles. Try these moves from Leandro Carvahlo, creator of Equinox Fitness Clubs' Brazilian Tummy Tuck class.
The Exercises
Belly Rolls
Works: vertical ab muscles
What to do: Sit with your legs bent, feet flat on the floor and arms straight in front of you. Exhale and roll back until your lower back touches the ground -- stop. Inhale and roll back up. Repeat 15 times. Now exhale and roll back until your shoulder blades touch the ground -- stop. Inhale and roll back up. Repeat 15 times.
Tummy Curls
Works: horizontal ab muscles
What to do: Lie on your back and bend your knees at an (almost) 90-degree angle with the floor, raising your feet slightly higher than your knees. Exhale, lift your butt and roll back to your shoulder blades. Inhale and roll to your tailbone -- stop (don't let your butt touch the ground). Repeat 20 times.
Cross Crunches
Works: waist
What to do: Grab a liter bottle of water and lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Cradle your left hand behind your head. Now hold the water bottle in your right hand, lift your head and shoulders off the ground and reach across your body, so the bottle is outside your left knee. "Pulse" 20 times. Switch sides and repeat.
Tailbone Lifts
Works: lower ab muscles
What to do: Lie on your back, arms stretched straight over your head and legs fully extended and crossed in the air. Exhale and lift your tailbone, then slowly lower as you inhale (don't just drop -- resist on the way down). Repeat 30 times.