Glitter single-nail polish is majorly trending...
It seems a new glitter-nail trend may be brewing. Allow me to trace it for you: First, about two weeks back, Allure editorial assistant Catherine O'Neill tweeted a picture of her nails painted hot pink with only the nail on her ring finger topped with glittery silver polish.

Then, not a week later, I saw a cute girl on the subway with the exact same look. The world may never know whether that girl was an avid Catherine fan or if the blinged-out nails were sheer coincidence, but then just this week, Emily Schuman of the gorgeous (and addictive!) style blog Cupcakes and Cashmere posted a how-to for "Mermaid Nails," which she created with mint green polish and a dusting of matching seafoam glitter on—yep, you guessed it—just the ring finger.
They say "three makes a trend," and if that's the case, we predict a wave of sparkly ring-finger nails are right around the corner.